What would you do with more confidence and courage in your life?
How would it be if you would feel empowered?
Confidence, Courage and self empowerment: that is what I am about. I am thrilled for you to be here and to serve you!

Most empowering and supportive space
A path to courage
Have you been feeling stuck and scared to take risks and are you looking to find and express your potentials fully? You are in the right place.
Explore “A path to courage”, the most empowering and supportive space where you will gain awareness about what stops you in expressing yourselves fully. You will get empowered in accessing that courage and confidence needed to dare to take actions you have never had the courage to take, leaving you feeling empowered, alive and free in stepping outside your comfort zone.
- You feel constrained, stuck
- You have the experience of “There is something more”
- It is never enough what you suppose to know before stepping into your new future
- You feel like you would like to get in touch with your potentials but you don’t believe something can really be different
- You are scared of changing your situation even though you would like it to.
- You are scared of feeling judged and criticised.
By the end of the 3 months you will have:
- Gained awareness of some of your limiting beliefs
- Got an exciting increase of confidence and courage
- Got an incredible set of tools to keep transforming in language the beliefs that stop you from being your full self-expression.
- You will have taken some very courageous actions in your life
- You will feel empowered in taking the next step in your life
The program is structured in 7 modules. During these 7 modules we will meet once a week in 1:1 session and 3 times we will meet with the group. Total mentoring sessions are 12. We will shift your limiting beliefs acting on awareness/language/energy
This program runs usually twice a year. Next program though starts in January 2026.
If you would like to be know the new dates on time, join the waiting list 👇
Places are limited to 7 people per course.
Subscribe to Lidia's empowerment blog!
Individual mentoring to address your specific needs or group workshops to connect with other like-minded people? Choose the options that suit your needs.

Release to create
Next event: March 2025, from 8:30pm to 10 pm UK Time, Online
Before creating it is important to have some free space. Imagine: you can keep buying clothes and squeeze them in the wardrobe or you can throw away the clothes that you don’t like anymore or that don’t fit well and create space for the new one. This is what we do in my “Release to create” event.
This 1 hour and 30 minutes workshop is designed for creating a safe space where you will feel empowered to let go of feeling and emotions that don’t serve you anymore, leaving you relaxed, with more energy and creativity.
Are you interested? Register here!

The inner growth membership
Are you ready to increase the awareness about yourself and be able to deal with feelings such as guilt, criticism and/or judgement?
Are you ready or to find out how it is possible to achieve results such as serenity, work that fulfills you, deep relationships, love for yourself starting from what you think, what you feel?
If you are, click HERE.

Empowering sessions 1:1
The support given by my 1:1 Empowerment Holistic Coaching and Mentoring is tailored to your own needs. It is often the next step after attending my signature program “A path to courage”.
In this sessions, I will support you in dealing with whatever matters to you leaving with more power, clarity and in action.
Would you like to know more? Book a discovery call with me.
Do you want more info?
Hello I am Lidia. Welcome to my website. I am truly happy to have you here
I empower people to love themselves fully and to connect to their true potential, leaving them with the ability to accessing their confidence and courage needed to step up, been seen and take the risks necessary to experience themselves and their life fully.
We are diamonds, who may have lost their sparkle or may have never experienced their sparkle fully. My promise to you is to empower you in getting this sparkle back.
Fairy tales
Self awareness stories for children
The book is available in English, Italian, Spanish, French and German

This is the story of Camilla, the dreamer daisy, and Gertrude, the rose precise and strong. These two flowers, simple of us human beings, will teach us to understand the secret to live with people who are different from us and to enjoy of our difference.
It is a story for teenager… that will even an impact on adults.
The book is available in English and Italian.

This is the story of Fishalina, a lively and courageous fish, and of her mother, Regina. Fishalina, thanks to her courage and adventure nature, will leave her home to start the adventure on the other side of a mysterious rock. This adventure will make her close to her mum, will support her to overcome her fears and it will make her more sure about herself.
This is a fairy tale for children and their mums.
The book is available in English and Italian
Why are you getting stuck in the same situation over and over? In this video I show you what responsibility could be
Confidence: 6 steps to access it
In today’s video you will find 6 steps to access confidence