Challenge what you perceive as reality

so that you can stop overthinking, feeling powerless
and scared to dare

When you understand that we see life through different “Lenses” and that it’s possible to “remove these glasses and wear another pair”, you will see something new.

In this free masterclass, you will have the opportunity to learn the 3 steps to challenge what you perceive as reality and to work on something important related to your life. 

You will come out of this masterclass with some helpful tips that you can use everywhere in your life.

You will also have the opportunity to know more about my signature program called “A path to courage” starting the week of the 16th September 2024 

“A path to courage” program is a 12 weeks journey designed to free you up, to connect to your confidence and courage

From feeling stuck and limited
to feeling open and free

We don’t realize how many facets life has. For example, have you ever been in the same place where other people have been and had a completely different experience? The reason behind is because there is not only one reality–there are many.

Even though for some situations this is understandable, it can be more challenging to see it when we deal with relationships: being the relationships with ourselves or others. What we perceive as reality can determine what you will do and what you will see possible in your life. 

Having a fixed way to see reality, will make you believe or act in a certain way. Consequently, what you can have is limited to that “vision” of life .

Being opened to different views of life will open new opportunities.

This masterclass is for you if:

  • Same unwanted situations keep presenting to you and you are ready to make a change 

  • You feel frustrated about not being able to see a way to deal with some relationships and you are ready to find a solution

  • You feel stuck in a situation and you are ready to start moving

  • You feel not able to say no to people and you would like to learn to say it

  • It seems like people don’t understand you

  • You keep overthinking about certain situations

  • You are curious and you would like to create new opportunities in life

When is it and how much does it cost?

Next free online masterclass will run 

the 2nd September 2024

 from 8:30 to 9:30 PM UK time. 

Please send me an e-mail to get the Zoom link