About me

Hello I am Lidia. Welcome to my website. I am truly happy to have you here

I empower people to love themselves fully and to connect to their true potential, leaving them with the ability to accessing their confidence and courage needed to step up, been seen and take the risks necessary to experience themselves and their life fully.

We are diamonds, who may have lost their sparkle or may have never experienced their sparkle fully. My promise to you is to empower you in getting this sparkle back. 

My personal story, life experiences, included the   job as a registered nurse and trainings helped me to connect to my beliefs.   I truly believe that our wellbeing, our happiness, our fulfillment and our self-expression are correlated to the degree to which we are aware of ourselves and others.

Awareness of ourselves means to be aware of our mind and how it affects the way we see ourselves and the world around us; the awareness of our emotions and how they are connected to our thoughts and the way we behave in life; the awareness of our energetic body and the way it’s affected by the other 2 systems and by our environment.

This is why I trained in several disciplines such as EFT & Matrix Reimprinting; Reiki; Laughter Yoga; mindfulness. This is why I keep traveling; this is why I keep translating for and being involved with  enterprises such as Landmark Education; this is why I keep doing inner work  with Suzanne O’ Sullivan or with more known people such as Heidi Sawyer or Rebecca Campbell; this is why I have an extensive training in communication, Team, Management & Leadership. 

The full experience of who we are is correlated to our beliefs: knowing them, shifting them, creating empowering beliefs and practice them is at the core of my work, both in my signature programs or events or in my self published fairy tales.

What is also peculiar about me is that I lived in the UK for 14 years and I know what means do not be able to speak the language. That is why my work is delivered both in English and in Italian.

We have a lot of facets and there are severals ways to reach one destination. If what I offer and the way I work is aligned with who you are and what you are looking for, contact me or book a clarity call. I will love to empower you in shining as a diamond! You deserve that! 

With love and magic,
